Washington Physical Therapy Political Action Committee (WPT-PAC)

The WPT-PAC is the non-partisan political action committee of the APTA Washington. Its purpose is to help elect candidates running for the Washington State Legislature who support the physical therapy profession, as well as to increase our voice in the political process. A vibrant and strong PAC will help direct the legislative future of our profession and ensure that we have a voice in critical healthcare policy decision-making.

WPT-PAC Board of Directors

Chair - Megan Thomas
Tracy Johnston, treasurer
Andrea Schafer, secretary
Kyle Shilling
Megan Lusk
Erin Kinneen
Erin O'Neill

Sponsorship Opportunities

The WPT-PAC hosts two main auction events each year to support fundraising for campaign donations. In the Spring (typically the 2nd weekend in March) at the PPSIG Annual Conference in Lake Chelan (https://ppsig.org/events/) and in the Fall at the APTA Washington Annual Conference (https://aptawa.org/careers-and-education/courses-and-conferences) which is held mid-October near Seattle or Tacoma).  We are always looking for great items to put up for auction at these events, so reach out to the PAC at any time to donate! Email wpt.pac@gmail.com for inquiries. 

If you are interested in sponsoring the PAC at either of these events, here are the sponsorship levels:

Presenting Sponsor - $700
  • Name in Event Title
  • Largest Logo Display, plus some smaller logos throughout the event, including on the bar
  • Verbal Recognition (optional speaking time/company plug)
Premier Sponsor - $500 (Co-Sponsor - $500/500 - $1000 total)
  • Medium logo
  • Name Mentioned
General Sponsor - $300
  • Small Logo at tables or on walls
  • Name Mentioned
Email wptpac@aptawa.org or wpt.pac@gmail.com or call 360-352-7290 x110.